Monday 21 February 2011

Teluk Intan Gateaway

selepas makan kenduri, bermula pengembaraan sebelum balik KL..mane lagi kan nak g kat teluk intan tu..tmpt yg agak2 best menara condong tu la..huhu..syokknyeee..wheeee...

ini kaki saya bersama seliper jamban feberet saye..saye pakai di mane jua saya berade termsuk dlm ofis..whee..:)

ini kaki saya bersama kaki kawan baik saye,muanati afzan. kaki die pendek. kaki saya panjang. =p

berangan nak jadik model kejap..hahahhaa..nak muntah..wekkk..=p

saya sangattt suke la gambar pelik2 cm nie..:)

ni kawan baik saye..cantikk kann?? sori guys shes taken..hahaha...dah nak kawen dah minah sorang nie..xdpt la nak meronggeng slalu..huhu

Sunday 20 February 2011

Gambar Misteri

cube korang tgk elok2..ape yg korang nmpk dlm air tu..gmbr nie saye amik sendiri kat area selangor..saje g photoshoot ngn suke suki tgkp gmbr air..then happen gmbr nie muncul..mak yg prasan..huhu..mase saye tgkp gmbr nie x la pulak prasan pape..dah ade dlm kereta baru prasan..ok maybe its juz kebetulan yg tersangat2 buat saye kagum..klu bukan kebetulan pun..anggap je la kebetulan..huhu...gmbr muka dlm air tu sgt clear..saye rase klu terserempak tepi jalan pun boleh kenal..mcm hidongnye mancung..mulut ala2 nicholas cage gitu..huhu..sekali tgk mcm amitabh bachan pun it remains mystery..juz nak share ngn u guys betapa besar kuasa tuhan..:) gmbr yg biase nie terus jadi luar biase..dlm segi aspek seni..emm tibe2 gmbr x berseni ni jadi ter"seni" lak x psl2..huhu..selamat menonton..hehehe..:D

Friday 18 February 2011

Abah Saya Seorang Pelukis

ni umah kampung kat sungkai..still ade lagi smpi skrg. xde ape yg ubah sgt pun. cume atuk dah tar kan jalan kat dpn umah tu. sebelah umah belah kanan tu ade 2 pokok rambutan, i guess pokok tu same age with me kot. 

long time never been there. miss so much. klu x silap la, nie umah onyang (moyang saye ye) kat sitiawan. cantikkk. ade laut, berpasir. Ade pokok koko. Ade kutu dalam pasir. syokk nyee.

so..inila hasil keje abah. gambar ats tu gmabar die la. tgh lukis karikatur tu (karikatur tu gmbr orang di kartunkan). potrait pun abah pandai tp die kate take time. lame giler nak siap. so seperti yg diketahui ramai, sy langsung xde bakat melukis ye. huhu. adik, ade la sikit2 tp x byk practice. umur sy dah 24 thn, klu suruh sy melukis same seperti umur sy 2-4 tahun..hahaha. ( bukan senang untuk maintain bakat melukis 2-4 tahun yeee)..=P

~Kenangan dolu dolu~

huh..i cant believe this picture.Time kasih la bebanyak kat siti norhafizah yer. x pasal2 teringat kenangan lama. huhu. dari kiri,ervina,pastu sape eh..serious dah lupe nama die..then tgh2 tu adleen sheena,then me,pastu last skli mira mazlan. waa tgk la muke masing2. selenga2. sekarang sume cun melecun. i never met ervina after abis darjah 6. same la jugak kat girl yg sblh die tu. ape lah nama die. x igt. huhu. pun dah x pnh jumpe die. adleen pun dah lame x jumpe. tp die smpt msuk sekolah menengah desa tun hussein onn same2 beberapa bulan sebelum die pindah g skolah convent bukit nanas. mira pun same. she's my best frenz. then lepas msk sklh menengah desa tuh hussein onn kejap die pundah sklh. huhu..tinggal la saye sorang2 ngn ct. tuan punye badan yg upload gmbr nie kat fb. tp saye tetap rindu dorang. dulu mase darjah 6,adlleen la yg paling besar (bukan besar gemok eh)..die tinggi time tu. so kirenye die la paling besar. dan diikuti oleh saye. time tu x leh tinggi sgt. baru nak naik la. mira die maintain jer. die normal size tp die super cute skrg. bakal doktor kot..

time nie..ade tarian sempena anugerah cemerlang. sy naik pun pentas anugerah cemerlang gakkk.. (nada riak)..hahah. tp bukan amik anugerah la. menari je. huhu. i still remember lagu ape tarian ni. klu x silap lagu dondang dendang dari noraniza idris. waaa x leh lupe uuu.. die punye koreografi pun saye still igt sikit2. x bleh blah..hahaha. 

dah la baru darjah 6,tp disebabkan kene buat persembahan so kene la makeup. time nie makeup rase mcm bibir tu x leh tutup. pastu kene practice senyummm je. ape2 pun lupe nak bagitau. time ni sekolah rendah kat sekolah rendah AU Keramat. sukenyeee sklh tu. bile igt2 balik kenangan2 lama nie boleh tersenyum sorang2. Malu pun ade. terase cam org giler pulak sekejap. hahaha. 

Actually thanx to facebook. Sbb fb saye jumpe balik ngn kawan2 lame yg dah lost contact. saye dpt la jumpe mira. rinduuu bangaattttt..huhu. saye still x dpt jumpe adleen n ervinna. ntah ervinna igt kat kite lagi ke ntah tidak.huhu. tp at least adleen ade jugak saye say hi kat die dlm fb. tp jumpe blum pernah lagi. harap umur kite sume dipanjangkan dah dapat jumpe sume org balik. i really hope so..=D

really miss u guys..muaahhxx..lots of loveee from me..:)

Farewell letter to my previous company..haha

Dear Bos,
As many of you probably know, today is my last day. But before I leave, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a great and distinct pleasure it has been to type “Today is my last day.”
For nearly as long as I’ve worked here, I’ve hoped that I might one day leave this company. And now that this dream has become a reality, please know that I could not have reached this goal without your unending lack of support. Words cannot express my gratitude for the words of gratitude you did not express.
I would especially like to thank all of my managers both past and present but with the exception of the wonderful Mr.T**: in an age where miscommunication is all too common, you consistently impressed and inspired me with the sheer magnitude of your misinformation, ignorance and intolerance for true talent. It takes a strong man to admit his mistake – it takes a stronger man to attribute his mistake to me.
Over the past several months, you have taught me more than I could ever ask for and, in most cases, ever did ask for. I have been fortunate enough to work with some absolutely interchangeable supervisors on a wide variety of seemingly identical projects – an invaluable lesson in overcoming daily tedium.
Your demands were high and your patience short, but I take great solace knowing that my work was, as stated on my annual review, “meets expectation.” That is the type of praise that sends a man home happy after a 10 hour day, smiling his way through half a bottle of meets expectation scotch with a meets expectation cigar. Thanks guys!
And to most of my peers: even though we barely acknowledged each other within these office walls, I hope that in the future, should we pass on the street, you will regard me the same way as I regard you: sans eye contact.
But to those few souls with whom I’ve actually interacted, here are my personalized notes of farewell:
To D*****, you should learn how to keep your mouth shut sweet heart. Bad mouthing the innocent is a negative thing, especially when your talking about someone who knows your disgusting secrets. ; )
To S**, I’m happy that you were let go in the same manner that you have handed down to my dedicated coworkers. Hearing you on the phone last month brag about how great bonuses were going to be for you fellas in upper management because all of the lay offs made me nearly vomit. I never expected to see management benefit financially from the suffering of scores of people but then again, with this company’s rooted history in the slave trade it only makes sense.
There are many great people that are being over worked and mistreated but yet are still loyal not to those who abuse them but to the greater mission of providing excellent customer support. Find them and embrace them as they will help battle the cancerous plague that is ravishing the moral of this company.
Meaning: if I had to work here again in this lifetime, I would sooner kill myself.
To those who I have held a great relationship with, I will miss being your co-worker and will cherish our history together. Please don’t bother responding as at this very moment I am most likely in my car singing out loud.

p/s: for sure la saye x tulis surat nie btl2 kat klu ikutkan hati...nie la yg sepatutnyee..hahaha..for fun only..:)